Ma perché i dinosauri esercitano tanto fascino sui bambini? Zeno non sapeva ancora pronunciare il suo nome che scandiva perfettamente "pterodattilo" e "brachiosauro". Per non parlare del Tirannosaurus rex...
I don't know how dinos can have such a gripping on kids. Zeno wasn't able to speak his name yet, but he could say "pterodactyl" and "brachiosaurus". And "tyrannosaurus rex", of course...
That's why there has never been any doubt about his birthday card the last 3rd of November.
Buon 4° compleanno, nostro piccolo paleontologo! ^_^
Happy 4th birthday, our little paleontologist! ^_^
Timbri / Stamps: critters from the past
Invece per il T-rex 3d mi sono ispirata a questo sito.
For the 3d T-rex I took inspiration from this site.
Che bello questo mini dinosauro 3D!