Nella frenesia dei preparativi natalizi, mi sono completamente dimenticata di mostrarvi il regalo per Anna, nuova arrivata nel mio gruppo di uncinetto! : )
Shaken by the frenzy of Christmas, I totally forgot to show you the gifts I made for Anna, the last entry in my crocheting group! : )
Shaken by the frenzy of Christmas, I totally forgot to show you the gifts I made for Anna, the last entry in my crocheting group! : )
Per lei scarpine all'uncinetto con frontalino ricamato a punto croce su punto tunisino (che avete già visto qui in versione leggera di cotone)...
I made for her pair of crocheted booties, with cross stitched tunisian frontal part (the same you saw here in a light cotton version)...
I made for her pair of crocheted booties, with cross stitched tunisian frontal part (the same you saw here in a light cotton version)...
... e il biglietto con la cicogna (timbro Aladine e sfondo con timbri Papertrey e Aladine)
... and this baby card (stork by Aladine, background by Papertrey and Aladine)
... and this baby card (stork by Aladine, background by Papertrey and Aladine)