Dopo aver lavorato in fiera a Milano per 5 giorni consecutivi, tornata a casa il frigorifero era un po’ desolato, così oggi ho deciso di preparare il riso al forno, un piatto rustico che mi ha insegnato mia nonna. Sembra un piatto povero, ma vi assicuro che è squisito!
Mia nonna fa tutto un po’ a occhio, quindi non vi do le quantità degli ingredienti, ma dalla foto dovreste riuscire a farvi un’idea.
Having attended a 5-days fair in Milan, I found a deserted fridge waiting for me back home. To set things right, today I decided to make granny’s backed rise. At first sight, it seems a simple dish, but I can guarantee that it is really delicious!
Granny does everything by sight, so I cannot give you precise quantities, and you have to guess them looking at the picture.
RISO AL FORNOMia nonna fa tutto un po’ a occhio, quindi non vi do le quantità degli ingredienti, ma dalla foto dovreste riuscire a farvi un’idea.
Having attended a 5-days fair in Milan, I found a deserted fridge waiting for me back home. To set things right, today I decided to make granny’s backed rise. At first sight, it seems a simple dish, but I can guarantee that it is really delicious!
Granny does everything by sight, so I cannot give you precise quantities, and you have to guess them looking at the picture.
- riso (un paio di manciate a testa)
- patate a dadini
- carote a dadini
- sedano a lunette
- passata di pomodoro
- formaggio grattugiato
- prezzemolo
- dado spezzettato
- olio
- sale
- pepe
- rice (2 handfull per head)
- potatoes cutted in small cubes
- carrots cutted in small cubes
- celery cutted in lunettes
- tomatoe coulis
- parmigiano
- parsley
- soupe cube in small pieces
- oil
- salt
- pepper

Once the ingredients are ready, put them together in a big backing-pan and mix very well (replace the soup cube with butter flakes if you prefer). Then cover all the ingredients with water.

Put in the oven at 180°-200° C. Wait until the water evaporates and a crispy crust appears on the rise surface. (it can take approximately half an hour, or little more). Bon appétit!