Un caro amico che soffre d’insonnia ha appena festeggiato il compleanno: quale soggetto migliore di un branco di pecore per il biglietto di auguri?
A few days ago it was the birthday of a dear friend of mine. For he has serious sleeping issues, I thought that the sheep could be the ideal subject for his birthday card.
A few days ago it was the birthday of a dear friend of mine. For he has serious sleeping issues, I thought that the sheep could be the ideal subject for his birthday card.
This site plenty of wonderful automata gave me the inspiration: do have a look at all the models, they are amazing.
Il biglietto che ho realizzato è semplice nel meccanismo (lo stesso di questa card natalizia: anche se la conoscete già, date un’occhiata al vecchio post, gli ho dato una leggera ‘rinfrescata’...): si tratta di una rotella di carta con stampate 4 pecore, che ruota grazie ad un fermacampioni che fa da perno sul cartoncino blu.
This card has a very simple mechanism (the same of this Christmas card: even if you know it already, have a look of the old post, I added new photos...): there’s a paper wheel with 4 sheep that rotates on a brad pinched to the blue cardstock.
I attached the green-grass cardstock using a sponged bi-adhesive that hides the brad completely.

The sheep belong to a Aladine farm set and I watercoloured them using Impress marks; the numbers belong to a Stampendous clear set (‘Retro Alphabet’).
I made the stars and the reflection on the little red fruits with the white gel pen ‘uni-ball Signo’.
È stato solo lungo da realizzare, ma anche molto divertente.
Potete vederlo in funzione qui.
It took more time than a common card, but it gave much more fun in return. Here you can see how it works.
Ora sono proprio curiosa di vedere la faccia del destinatario e scoprire se sortirà il giusto effet... ronf... ronf.. ronf...
I’m looking forward to seeing the expression with which the consignee will accept this gift. And I also want to discover if this card will cause the expected effec... ronf ... ronf... ronf...
I’m looking forward to seeing the expression with which the consignee will accept this gift. And I also want to discover if this card will cause the expected effec... ronf ... ronf... ronf...