Non sono stata mai una fan delle cose troppo fru-fru, e se mia figlia indossa qualcosa di rosa o con paillette in genere è del tutto accidentale. Ad un vezzo però non rinuncia mai: uscire col cappellino in testa. In questa stagione di transizione da un inverno piovosissimo ad un’estate che si fa desiderare, le occorreva proprio un cappello che la riparasse dal vento ma senza essere troppo pesante. Così ho dato fondo ai piccoli avanzi di cotone e le ho fatto all’uncinetto questo cappuccio da folletto (anche se mio marito sostiene che assomiglia di più ad un preservativo... uomini: tzè!).
I have never liked sissy clothes and when my daughter dress in pink or with paillette, generally it is not planned. But there is something she can’t do without: wearing a hat. Especially this year, after a very rainy winter and with a summer that still delay, she really needed an hat that protected her ears in windy days without being too thick. So I collected all the cotton remains I had and I crocheted this pixie hat for her (despite my husband’s insistence that it is more similar to a condom... men: tzè!).
I have never liked sissy clothes and when my daughter dress in pink or with paillette, generally it is not planned. But there is something she can’t do without: wearing a hat. Especially this year, after a very rainy winter and with a summer that still delay, she really needed an hat that protected her ears in windy days without being too thick. So I collected all the cotton remains I had and I crocheted this pixie hat for her (despite my husband’s insistence that it is more similar to a condom... men: tzè!).
Purtroppo come fanno spesso le donne della mia famiglia, ho lavorato ad occhio, prendendo man mano la misura sulla capoccia di mia figlia, quindi non è per un motivo di riservatezza che non vi do le istruzioni, ma perchè non le ho scritte man mano! Prometto di farlo per il prossimo lavoro. Giusto come informazione generale, però, posso dirvi che ho lavorato a mezza maglia alta, distribuendo un numero regolare di aumenti fino ai due terzi dall’alto, per poi procedere diminuendo di 6-7 maglie a giro nell’ultimo terzo del cappello. Ultimissimi giri (parte marrone) senza aumenti né diminuzioni, rifinitura a punto gambero.
Like my family women often do, I worked by sight, taking measures on my daughter’s head during the crocheting. Hence, I cannot give you any tutorial just because I didn’t write them down when I was making it. I promise I’ll be more diligent in the next crochet project. Just to give you some general information, I worked half treble stitches and I gave out regular increments until I made the 2/3 of the hat. Then, I started decreasing 6-7 stitches every round in the last third. Making the final rounds (the brown stripe) I did add neither increments nor reductions. The yellow border is made by left handed stitch.
Like my family women often do, I worked by sight, taking measures on my daughter’s head during the crocheting. Hence, I cannot give you any tutorial just because I didn’t write them down when I was making it. I promise I’ll be more diligent in the next crochet project. Just to give you some general information, I worked half treble stitches and I gave out regular increments until I made the 2/3 of the hat. Then, I started decreasing 6-7 stitches every round in the last third. Making the final rounds (the brown stripe) I did add neither increments nor reductions. The yellow border is made by left handed stitch.