domenica 28 luglio 2019

Letture estive / Summer readings

Dopo la scorpacciata di avocado, che ne dite di una bella abbuffata di anguria fresca prima che le formiche ne facciano incetta?
After the feast of avocados, what about benging on fresh watermelons before ants eat them all?

Magari in compagnia di un buon libro...
Hopefully reading a good book...

Timbri / Stampshappy summer
Fustelle / Diesmagic color sliderRettangoli
Coloritura / Coloring: Zig Real Clean Colors

5 commenti:

  1. woooooooow!! this is amazing! LOVE the coloring, it's so deep and rich and wonderful!! and the bookmark ROCKS! wow! Thank you SO much for playing along with the Lawn Fawnatics Challenge! :)

  2. What a fabulous take on our Tiny Images Challenge!! I love your card /Bookmark combo - and absolutely AMAZING coloring! The summerfeel is AWESOME!!!! Thank You so much for sharing your talent with us at the LawnFawnatics Challenge! /Karin


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