venerdì 28 settembre 2018

Card nascita a rotella / Baby wheel card

Ecco la mia card per l'ultimo challenge di Lawn Fawn, che richiede l'associazione di un prodotto vecchio ed uno nuovo (in calce tutti i link).
Here there is the card I made for the Lawn Fawnatics Challenge #37: SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW! (Link to products at the end of the post).

Il progetto è nato per festeggiare la nascita del piccolo Pietro (alias Benny), nuovo cuginetto arrivato ad agosto.
This project was perfect to celebrate Pietro (aka Benny), the latest baby born cousin.

Associato al dono che compare nella nuvoletta della card, questo cappellino realizzato ai ferri circolari con lana mohair. Che tenerezza i cappellini baby!
The card was associated to a baby cap I knitted with mohair wool and circular needles.
I love baby caps, they are so sweet!

Timbri / Stamps: little bundle, plus one, home sweet home, christmas dreams, rub-a-dub-dub
Fustelle / Dies: reveal wheel, simply puffy clouds, stitched hillside borders, home sweet home, christmas dreams
Coloritura / Coloring: Zig Clean Color Real Brush

2 commenti:

  1. oh my goodness - what a GREAT idea for a baby card!! those baby ideas in the reveal wheel are soooo sweet!! thank you SO much for playing along with the Lawn Fawnatics Challenge! :)

    1. Thank you Samantha! I spent about 3 hours for this card, but I love making it! ^_^


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